Religious Education
Ms J Toyne R.E Leader
Our Vision for RE
Religious Education is the study of humankind, our beliefs and values and our sense of awe and wonder. Working in RE, children at Birchwood Junior School learn about the belief systems of world religions and the importance of spirituality regardless of belief or none. Our Religious Education curriculum is influenced by Forest Skies Dream Big powers.
Key skills (lenses) of faith and belief, practices and actions, compare and connect and ideas and opinions are written as a spiral curriculum, each year group (Y3-6) revisiting through different contexts.
Discover – through learning about different religions and practices children are able to make up their own minds about what they believe
Reasoning – through understanding why a follower might make decisions and choices children are able to reason through their own
Empathise – using stories and recounts of events, we can put ourselves in another shoes and walk in their footsteps
Ask Questions – helping to develop independent enquiry and pose their own ideas for investigation, asking believers for their personal experiences
Make mistakes – evaluating our own learning and suggesting how we could do better
Be Resilient – challenging ourselves and others to deepen our understanding through challenge questions
Imagine and create – using artworks to show how a believer can express themselves through art, music and drama
Grow – becoming confident thinkers and reflectors who can link our understanding and ideas across the full curriculum and consider our own beliefs
Our curriculum is outlined below but please feel free to pop into school any time and ask to speak with our RE lead Miss Toyne. She is always more than welcome to answer any questions.