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COVID 19 / School Closures

Adjustments to SEN Information Report During School Closures

The contents of this information report have been amended in light of school closures. Where possible, resources will be posted on the website as part of our universal offer. In addition, some children (predominantly those with EHCPs) will receive personalised programmes and / or resources to support their learning at home. 

Cognition and Learning

Class teachers will post learning on the year group pages. Parents and children are advised to access the learning on the year group level of their child. In addition, they can email their class teacher for support.  Some children have received additional home learning packs to take home at their own level. 

Communication and Interaction

Love to communicate have added videos and resources to the website for all to access. Those with a higher need, who are known to the service, will receive personalised programmes and resources. There is also access to an NHS advice line. Our website also has resources to support children with social communication difficulties.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs

Our website contains a range of resources to support children's mental health for all to access. Our own school counsellor is also sending resources to children on her caseload. Support from external agencies such as CAMHs are at the discretion of that service.

Sensory and/or physical needs

Our website has some links to resources to support motor development for all to access. Parents are advised to continue with any programmes from the OT and physiotherapy at home. Parents are also advised to continue to use any physical aids at home to support their children's learning. Support from external agencies such as OT and physiotherapy are at the discretion of that service.