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Inclusivity for All

Our curriculum provision is unique in its structure to be responsive to the different needs, starting points and aspirations of all of its pupils. Through accurate assessment and staff training, we are able to further learning and challenge all pupils to think beyond their perceived limits. Whilst working with other schools and multi-agencies, we tailor learning to maximise access for all pupils to develop skills, knowledge and experiences. All staff have high expectations for all pupils and celebrate the achievements pupils make. Acknowledging what they can now do today that they could not yesterday. Where possible this is communicated to parents to enable them to continue support their child’s development.

Subject leaders have worked to improve curriculum coverage in wider curriculum subjects, e.g. Geography and History, with all middle leaders being aware of the curriculum expectations and in turn working towards planning the skills within their respective curriculum areas.

The curriculum is designed to facilitate deep learning, with focus made on extending those who are working at a greater depth; engagement with their learning and initiating the direction of the units of study, particularly in the wider curriculum subjects along with breadth and balance. Not only do staff review the actual curriculum regularly, but also the principles for learning and teaching.  To ensure our children succeed in the wider world they need high levels of literacy and numeracy. As a school, we believe all pupils should be given the environment and skills to become fluent readers and mathematicians. Currently, our maths leader is working with the NCETM on projects for developing maths mastery within the primary curriculum as we recognise the importance of working collaboratively with other schools. Our English lead is working with the English Hub to develop reading within school whilst using research from the EEF to implement a writing strategy using the Jane Considine framework. Our SENDCO is working with St Christopher’s Special School and the LENS project to quality assure that our curriculum is an inclusive and assessable as possible.